Никто водится со. Песня Водяного из мультфильма «Летучий корабль

Комментарий от theoz

This is one way of getting the Achivement:

All credit for the how to goes to Asmongold.

I just tought i would link it for who ever wants this acheivement.

Комментарий от traxex84

We figured out a fairly easy way to do it without using 5 dps, take the boss to the back and make a semi-circle around him with your DPS/Healer.
Drop the roots in the semi-circle, side step after each one to try make one solid line. You can essentially ignore the waters this way and just burn the boss as the tank picks up the flowers that spawn from the roots.
You may need to switch to the waters if you get bad root RNG, heres a recording of us getting it on our first attempt:

Комментарий от Sixxi

This one is tricky. You have to kill boss w/o any bubble reach him. We did it by pulling boss as far as possible from water and placing those root traps between him and water. When 1st pack of bubbles arrives we pop BL and me as tank start smashing bubbles. W/ prot warr I managed 2 waves then it start passing thro. By that time you have to be sure that the bubble can be soaked by trap or just tell some DPS to burst that bubble down. Not hard but you need decent DPS here and also be ready to take *!@# load of dmg as tank when u"re using traps to soak bubbles (spheres)
Godd luck guys!

Комментарий от bobsod

You can make this pretty simple by using a hunters pet to kite him to Vael"s room. It completely negates the water orbs

Комментарий от ActZanga

This one is pretty easy.

I see a lot of people making the mistake and wasting a lot of DPS on killing the adds and the water orbs. It"s actually more efficient (particularly if you"re DPS is undergeared) to ignore them completely.

Wha--? Ignore mechanics?

Here"s the trick:

1) Tank the boss as far from the water as possible. Back near the cliff.
2) Have your range make a semi circle of "plant traps" around the boss.
3) Tunnel the boss.
4) As the orbs spawn, continually try to make plant traps spawn in front of them while still tunneling the boss.
5) Collect achievement.

What ends up happening is you never need to waste DPS killing the orbs because they"ll automatically not hit the boss by hitting a plant trap and instead become a plant add. This DPS that would have gone to killing the orbs is instead going to the boss (which is part of the reason why killing them to get the buff is kind of pointless). Also, being so far away from the water also gives you loads of time to get extra DPS in on the boss, as well as a lot of extra time not having to deal with adds.

The ONLY time you should switch to an orb is if it"s not going to hit a plant trap. And a range or 2 can handle this. You can pretty much have your melee just tunnel boss.

When you get down to ~ 15% the adds will start becoming a nuisance. Your tank needs to pick these up. You can Freeze, Root, CC these. But mostly, DPS just needs to tunnel boss.

Actually trying to do the achievement the way it seems to be designed (killing the orbs and then trying to nuke down while he has the DPS buff on) is actually substantially harder on everyone. It takes a lot more DPS, a lot more healing, and your tank needs to be a beast. It also creates a lot more orbs to spawn and a lot more plant adds to spawn, than just simply tunneling the boss and "killing" the orbs by running them into plants.

So do it the easy way. Just tunnel him. And do the bare minimum amount of add control.

Комментарий от Razerog

This Achievement is actully quite easy!

If your group have decent dps then you can just bring a druid to knock all the
orbs away or any other knock back so to speak! If you use this your dps will
not even have to touch the orbs, just nuke the tree!

Комментарий от Eralson

If you"re tracking this using the built-in achievement tracking feature, the achievement will turn red (indicating failure) when the first of the orbs held by the three trash packs surrounding the boss hits him. Don"t worry about this, the tracking will reset when you pull the boss. This achievement is trivially soloable at 110. Just pull him back and burn.

Мало кто не слышал о знаменитом советском мультфильме «Летучий корабль». Это добрая сказка о благородстве, совести и всепобеждающей любви. На странице вы найдете популярную песню Водяного с забавными и немного грустными словами о мечтах «болотного жителя». Интересно, что поэт Юрий Энтин написал текст песенки всего за десять минут, пока принимал ванну. Так спонтанно и родилась эта чудесная композиция. Ее можно легко скачать на этой странице. Также есть возможность прочитать забавные слова песни Водяного, немного погрустить над его судьбой и порадоваться добрым делам. Песенка настолько популярна, что и сейчас ее можно узнать по первым двум нотам и лиричному напеву.

Песня Водяного текст

Я Водяной, я Водяной,
Поговорил бы кто со мной,
А то мои подружки,
Пиявки да лягушки.
Фу, какая гадость.

Эх, жизнь моя - жестянка,
Да ну её в болото,
Живу я, как поганка,
А мне летать, а мне летать,
А мне летать охота.

Я Водяной, я Водяной,
Никто не водится со мной,
Внутри меня водица,
Ну что с таким водиться,

Эх, жизнь моя - жестянка,
Да ну её в болото,
Живу я, как поганка,
А мне летать, а мне летать,
А мне летать охота.

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